03.10.2011 | International conference on preservation of digital information started in Moscow
The most topical issues of preservation of digital information will be discussed in Moscow in the international conference, Preservation of Digital Information in the Information Society: Problems and Prospects, which started today. The Conference, organized in the framework of Russian chairmanship in the Intergovernmental Council of the UNESCO Information for All Programme, will continue up to 5 October 2011. This event is a new step in the implementation of the IFAP Strategic Plan, and the first-ever international conference on this theme under UNESCO aegis with attendance of representatives of all UNESCO geographical regions.
12.07.2011 | The 2nd International conference “Linguistic and Cultural Diversity in Cyberspace” is launched in Yakutsk
The opening gala of the 2nd International conference “Linguistic and Cultural Diversity in Cyberspace” took place today in Yakutsk, Russian Federation. The conference will last until July 14. The Russian Committee of the UNESCO Information for All Programme, the North-Eastern Federal University, the Interregional Library Cooperation Centre, the MAAYA World Network for Linguistic Diversity, and Union Latine are principal organizers of the event held in the framework of Russian chairmanship in IFAP. Financial support is provided by UNESCO and the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation.
22.06.2011 | Second International conference “Linguistic and Cultural Diversity in Cyberspace” to take place in Yakutsk, Russia
The 2nd International conference “Linguistic and Cultural Diversity in Cyberspace” will take place on 12-14 July, 2011 in Yakutsk, Russian Federation. The conference is held in the framework of Russian chairmanship in IFAP. The Russian Committee of the UNESCO Information for All Programme, the North-Eastern Federal University, the Interregional Library Cooperation Centre, the MAAYA World Network for Linguistic Diversity, and Union Latine are principal organizers of the event. Financial support is provided by UNESCO and the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation.
10.06.2011 | IFAP special events at largest international conferences in Belarus and Ukraine
A number of IFAP special events on Information Preservation, Information Accessibility and Information Literacy took place the annual ADIT International conference for museum workers and at the Annual International Crimea Conference for librarians, archivists, educators, governmental officials, authors, publishers, content providers, copyright owners, which brought together around 1500 participants from 40 countries
06.03.2011 | The book "Access to Legal and Other Socially Relevant Information through Russia
Interregional Library Cooperation Center and Russian Committee of the UNESCO Information for All Programme (IFAP) have produced, under the auspices of the RF Ministry of Culture, a new publication dedicated to the network of public legal information centers - an analytical report entitled "Access to Legal and Other Socially Relevant Information through Russia's Libraries. Developing the Legal Culture of the Population".
The book covers the structural and functional features of legal, environmental, business and municipal information centers being established within the central universal libraries of the Russian Federation subjects.
The readership of this publication includes library directors and staff; governmental authorities; cultural, scientific, education, communication and information institutions.
23.02.2011 | IFAP Bureau meeting sets stage for enhanced commitment
The Bureau of the Intergovernmental Council of the Information for All Programme (IFAP) met for its 18th meeting at UNESCO Headquarters in Paris from 21 to 22 February 2011. The meeting provided an opportunity to review the substantial progress achieved in 2010 by IFAP Working Groups and some National IFAP Committees in the priority areas of information literacy, information preservation, information for development, information accessibility and information ethics.
