

The UNESCO IFAP Intergovernmental Council expressed its appreciation to the delegation from the Russian Federation
2003-28-04 (Paris)
The Intergovernmental Council for the UNESCO Information for All Programme during its Second Session (22-24 April 2003, UNESCO House, Paris) expressed its appreciation to the delegation from the Russian Federation for their presentation of their National Network of Public Legal Information Centres.
The work to establish the all-Russia network of public legal information centers on the basis of public libraries (PCPI) started in 1998 on the initiative of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, the FAPSI (presently Spetssvyaz FSO of Russia) and the Russian Foundation for Legal Reform. Commercial organizations engaged in legal information services—Codex, ConsultantPlus and Garant—joined the effort later on. The Russian IFAP Committee joined the activity in 2002.
The PCPI is the basis of vast efforts for public legal information and education. Largely due to the establishment of information centers, the new role of libraries in local community life is reappraised and confirmed. Almost everywhere, library information activities become part and parcel of work by regional and municipal authorities to promote the basic spheres of social policy in the Russian regions.
The Committee initiates the opening of centers in many parts of Russia and in the other CIS countries. It introduces and popularizes this activity in Russia and at the international level—in particular, in UNESCO. It holds conferences and seminars, and monitors the state and problems of the development of the network of public access to legal information. It prepares and publishes analytical and statistical materials.