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Publications of the Russian Committee for UNESCO Information for All Programme
In English language
Multilingualism in Cyberspace. The book includes papers by the participants of the Ugra Global Expert Meeting on Multilingualism in Cyberspace (Khanty-Mansiysk, Russian Federation, 4–9 July, 2015), aimed to discuss policies in the field of language preservation, measures to be taken at both national and international level to develop linguistic and cultural diversity of the world and promote multilingualism in cyberspace.
International Meetings on Multilingualism in Cyberspace 2008-2014. Final Documents This brochure compiles the final documents of international meetings on the preservation and promotion of languages and lingustic and cultutal diversity in reality and cyberspace, held in the frame of the UNESCO Information for All Programme in 2008 - 2014.
![]() The book includes communications by the participants of the 3rd International Conference on Linguistic and Cultural Diversity in Cyberspace (Yakutsk, Russian Federation, 30 June – 3 July, 2014), where various aspects of topical political, philosophical and technological challenges of preserving multilingualism in the world and developing it in cyberspace were discussed.
The authors share national vision and experience of supporting and promoting linguistic and cultural diversity, express their views on the role of education and ICTs in these processes.
Internet and Socio-Cultural Transformations in Information Society The book includes communications by the participants of the international conference “Internet and Socio-Cultural Transformations in Information Society” (Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, Russian Federation, 8–12 September 2013) which has become an attempt to develop a comprehensive understanding of the direction, dynamics, character, scope, driving forces, content and results of socio-cultural changes under the impact of the Internet and other ICTs as they are spreading worldwide. World experts express their views of the Internet as a socio-cultural phenomenon, as well as of the nature and character of contemporary socio-cultural processes, possible directions and ways of the humanization of information society, development of strategies, policies and practices of knowledge societies building. Special attention is paid to the issues of multilingualism promotion in cyberspace and to the role of libraries in the digital world.
Media and Information Literacy for Knowledge Societies
The book includes communications by the participants and other materials of the International Conference on Media and Information Literacy for Knowledge Societies (Moscow, Russian Federation, 24–28 June, 2012), that offered a unique opportunity to identify the key existing challenges in the field, to outline policies and professional strategies for the advocacy of media and information literacy (MIL), to promote best practices and strengthen international cooperation among various stakeholders.
Preservation of Digital Information in the Information Society
The book comprises reports of the International Conference, Preservation of Digital Information in the Information Society: Problems and Prospects, which was held in Moscow, October 3–5, 2011, within the framework of the Russian chairmanship in the UNESCO Information for All Programme. For both Russia and UNESCO, this Conference was the first major international interdisciplinary forum on the subject.
Financial support for the publication: Grant of the President of the Russian Federation for the Support of Culture and Art Projects of National Importance.
Linguistic and Cultural Diversity in Cyberspace. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference
The book includes communications by the participants of the 2nd International Conference Linguistic and Cultural Diversity in Cyberspace (Yakutsk, Russian Federation, 12-14 July, 2012), which became a unique platform for discussing political, cultural, educational, ideological, philosophical, social, ethical, technological and other aspects of the activities aimed at supporting and preserving languages and cultures and promoting them in cyberspace. The authors present linguistic situation in different countries, share international best practice in the policies, standards and instruments for the preservation and development of linguistic and cultural diversity.
Financial support for this publication is provided by the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation
Linguistic and Cultural Diversity in Cyberspace
The book includes communications by the participants of the International Conference Linguistic and Cultural Diversity in Cyberspace (Yakutsk, Russian Federation, 2-4 July, 2008), that turned out to be one of themost significant events of the International Year of Languages. The authors present linguistic situation in different countries, cover political, ethical, sociocultural, psychological and other aspects of multilingualism, and give examples of measures taken worldwide to promote linguistic and cultural diversity.
Financial support for this publication: Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, North-Eastern Federal University, Grant of the President of the Russian Federation for the Support of Culture and Art Projects of National Importance (Executive Order of 26 March, 2010№182-rp)
Preservation of Linguistic Diversity: Russian Experience
The book 'Preservation of Linguistic Diversity: Russian Experience' was prepared for the international conference 'Linguistic and Cultural Diversity in Cyberspace' (Yakutsk, Russian Federation, July 2-4, 2008). It cites practical examples to present the picture of diversified multi-level activities to preserve and develop multilingualism in the Russian cyberspace.
Financial support for this publication is provided by Russia’s Federal Agency of Culture and Cinematography and the UNESCO Moscow Office.
The National Programfor Reading Promotion and Development offers a comprehensive view of reading. It is regarded in an extensive context of problems Russia is tackling as a transition society. These are national political and economic reforms, globalization and information society development. The Program specifies the aims and the means, comprises goals, objectives, guidelines and tactics. It provides a schedule of its stage-by-stage implementation.
Lena Resolution is a final document of the International Conference on Linguistic and Cultural Diversity in Cyberspace (Yakutsk, Russian Federation, July 2-4, 2008). The Conference discussed the political, cultural, social, ethical and technological aspects of research and development of linguistic and cultural diversity in cyberspace, and examined issues related to the use of information and communication technologies to safeguard all languages. The Conference gathered more than 100 representatives from 15 countries and all continents—leaders and staff members of IGO and NGO, government bodies, agencies and institutions of culture, education, research, information and communications, business, civil society and the mass media, as well as political and community leaders and leading experts.
Many wise people wonder why a country renowned for its literature – a country that recently flattered itself on the world’s largest readerships – would need а National Program for the Promotion and Development of Reading at all. We come at an answer when we think just what reading is, and what part it plays.
In Russian language
Этика и права человека в информационном обществе. Материалы Европейской региональной конференции Russian translation of the publication by the French National Commission for UNESCO Ethics and Human Rights in the Information Society.
Стандарты ИКТ-компетентности для учителей: стратегические основы ICT Сompetency Standards for Teachers: Policy Framework (Russian translation)
The ICT competency standards for teachers have been designed by UNESCO and its partners to help educational policy-makers and curriculum developers identify the skills teachers need to harness technology in the service of education.
Стандарты ИКТ-компетентности для учителей: модули стандартов компетентности ICT Сompetency Standards for Teachers: Competency Standards Modules (Russian translation)
The ICT competency standards for teachers have been designed by UNESCO and its partners to help educational policy-makers and curriculum developers identify the skills teachers need to harness technology in the service of education
Стандарты ИКТ-компетентности для учителей: руководство по внедрению стандартов ICT Сompetency Standards for Teachers: implementation guidelines, version 1.0. (Russian translation)
The ICT competency standards for teachers have been designed by UNESCO and its partners to help educational policy-makers and curriculum developers identify the skills teachers need to harness technology in the service of education.
Стратегический план Программы ЮНЕСКО «Информация для всех» (2008–2013 гг.) Russian translation of IFAP Strategic Plan (2008–2013)
Отчет Программы ЮНЕСКО «Информация для всех» за 2006–2007 гг. UNESCO Information for All Programme (IFAP). Report 2006–2007. (Russian translation)
The report provides information on the Programme’s role, objectives, and activities in 2006/2007.
Многоязычие в России: региональные аспекты Multilingualism in Russia: Regional Aspects
The book illuminates the language policy of Russian regional authorities and the activities of the largest regional libraries, aimed at multilingualism promotion and development.
Переводческие технологии для Европы The publication by the Council of Europe Human Language Technologies for Europe (Russian translation)
This book is a valuable source of information on the state-of-the-art in human language technologies. It gives an overview of the challenges and opportunities waiting Europe in this important research field. The inspiring document for European citizens, researchers, industrial and policy makers has been issued by the EU-funded research project TC-STAR (Technology and Corpora for Speech to Speech Translation).
Представление языков народов России и стран СНГ в российском сегменте Интернета Representing the Languages of Russian and CIS Ethnic Entities in the Russian Segment of the Internet
This publication presents the reports of the workshop, dedicated to the issues of multilingualism in Russia and abroad. The topics discussed are: measures, taken to preserve and promote languages, the role of libraries in the development of linguistic and cultural diversity in cyberspace, etc.
Политика информационного общества: ограничение и сдерживание глобальных потоков данных Politics in the Information Society: the Bordering and Restraining of Global Data Flows (Russian translation)
This report illuminates the politics of the Information Society through focusing on the dynamics surrounding, free expression and privacy. Many of the contentious policy areas in the Information Society hinge on privacy and free speech.
Измерение языкового разнообразия в Интернете Measuring Linguistic Diversity on the Internet (Russian translation)
UNESCO has been emphasizing the concept of “knowledge societies”, which stresses plurality and diversity instead of a global uniformity in order to bridge the digital divide and to form an inclusive information society. An important theme of this concept is that of multilingualism for cultural diversity and participation for all the languages in cyberspace.
Языковое разнообразие в киберпространстве: российский и зарубежный опыт Multilingualism in Cyberspace. Russian and International Experience
The book reflects measures, taken in Russia, consistent with the Recommendation concerning the Promotion and Use of Multilingualism and Universal Access to Cyberspace. It summarizes Russian experience of building multicultural cyberspace, uniting Russian ethnic entities with respect to their peculiarities.
Б. В. Дубин, Н. А. Зоркая. Чтение в России – 2008. Тенденции и проблемы Dubin, B., Zorkaya, N. Reading in Russia 2008: Tendencies and Problems
The all-Russian survey, held by the Levada Analytical Centre in September, 2008, explored the changes of reading preferences of Russian citizens in the context of current social and cultural trends.
Orlova, E. Mass media and the National Programme for Reading Promotion and Development. Guidelines
The guidelines aim to provide information on using mass media to promote the National Programme, and on the Programme’s possibilities for encouraging reading and understanding media.
Orlova, E. National Programme for Reading Promotion and Development: Improving the Reading Competence Level. Guidelines
The publication unites theoretical and practical materials on reading training and improving the reading competence.
Рекомендации по разработке и реализации региональной программы поддержки и развития чтения Developing and Implementing Regional Programmes for Reading Support and Development. Guidelines
The publication offers methods and tools for pooling resources and extending opportunities for creating the local reading environment, thus providing the implementation of the regional reading promotion policy.
Establishing the Sociocultural Environment for the National Programme for Reading Promotion and Development on the local level. Guidelines for library managers
The Guidelines focus on the ways of establishing interrelations among libraries and methods of bringing the public into the Programme’s implementation.
Securing a place for a language in cyberspace (Russian translation)
Cyberspace is open to all languages of the world, since its infrastructure is not subject to a central authority which can decide how it should be used. In writing this article, the author tried to give an answer to the following question: how to ensure that a language which is poorly endowed in linguistic and/or information technology (IT) resources, not to mention human resources, may find its proper place in cyberspace and be active there?
UNESCO Information for All Programme in Russia: Current and Future Projects
The book contains reports by members of the Russian IFAP Committee and its partners, presented at the Committee’s workshop within 14th Annual Conference Crimea 2007.
Этические аспекты новых технологий. Обзор UNESCO publication Ethical Implications of Emerging Technologies: a Survey (Russian translation)
The survey aims to provide an outlook on the ethical implications of future communication and information technologies. The report further alerts UNESCO’s Member States and partners to the increasing power and presence of emerging technologies and draws attention to their potential to affect the exercise of basic human rights.
Программа ЮНЕСКО «Информация для всех»: информация для жизни Information for All Programme: Living Information (Russian translation)
The publication explains the concept of “living information” and three specific priority areas of the Programme.
UNESCO Information for All Programme (IFAP). Report 2004–2005. (Russian translation)
The report provides information on the Programme’s role, objectives, and activities in 2004/2005.
Russian translation of the EC Minerva Project publication Quality Principles for cultural Web sites: a Handbook.
This document provides a commentary and exploration of the ten Quality Principles aimed at cultural Websites – those developed by museums, libraries, archives and other cultural institutions. However, the principles are quite generic and can be applies to almost any Website.
Gendina, N., Kolkova, N., Starodubova, G., Ulenko U. Development of the Individual Information Culture: Theoretical Justification and the Course Programme Modelling
The book focuses on the model of the individual information culture development, proposed by the Research Institute of Information Technologies in Social Sphere, Kemerovo State University of Culture and Arts. It provides general course programme for different student groups.
Н. И. Гендина, Н. И. Колкова, И. Л. Скипор, Г. А. Стародубова. Формирование информационной культуры личности в библиотеках и образовательных учреждениях Gendina, N., Kolkova, N., Skipor, I. Starodubova, G. Development of the Individual Information Culture at Libraries and Educational Institutions
The book aims to clarify the factors, fostering the development of the individual information culture, and explain the concept of information culture training at libraries and educational institutions. The publication includes a list of training courses, and possible tools for individual information culture level diagnostics. Published by School Library PH.
Building the XXI century Information Society
The publication illuminates the up-to-date understanding of the main philosophical, social, political legal, ethical issues of the information society. Joint edition by the Russian IFAP Committee and the National Library of Russia.
ЮНЕСКО об информационном обществе: основные документы и материалы UNESCO’s Basic Texts on the Information Society (Russian translation)
This publication presents a selection of quotations from the Organization’s official texts, originating from all its programme sectors, which contribute to defining what the information society ought to be. Joint edition by the Russian IFAP Committee and the National Library of Russia.
Состояние исследований по проблемам информационного общества Status of Research on the Information Society (Russian translation)
The report provides a brief analysis of various international research studies on the information society, and on the main trends identified, as well as some recommendations for future research. Joint edition by the Russian IFAP Committee and the National Library of Russia.
Мониторинг информационного общества и обществ знаний: статистические данные Measuring and Monitoring the Information and Knowledge Societies: a Statistical Challenge (Russian translation)
This report focuses on data systems and measurement issues with regard to ICT, including aspects of data availability, international comparability and quality, as well as their content. Joint edition by the Russian IFAP Committee and the National Library of Russia.
Образование в информационном обществе Education in and for the Information Society (Russian translation)
This publication aims to make known the potential of ICTs to expand and improve teaching and learning in a wide variety of contexts, with a specific focus on developing regions and UNESCO’s initiatives. Joint edition by the Russian IFAP Committee and the National Library of Russia.
Наука в информационном обществе Science in the Information Society (Russian translation)
The book focuses on the important role science and engineering play in building the information society and in contributing to the development of a knowledge society. Joint edition by the Russian IFAP Committee and the National Library of Russia.
Гендерные проблемы в информационном обществе Gender Issues in the Information Society (Russian translation)
ICTs could give a major boost to the economic, political and social empowerment of women, and the promotion of gender equality. But that potential will only be realized if the gender dimensions of the Information Society – in term’s of users’ needs, conditions of access, policies, applications and regulatory frameworks – are properly understood and adequately addressed by all stakeholders. Joint edition by the Russian IFAP Committee and the National Library of Russia.
Формирование и сохранение культурного наследия в информационном обществе Memory of the Information Society (Russian translation)
The Internet sharpens the issues of the digital world and heritage. It obliges us to reconsider all our certainties about the very meaning of the word “preserve”, a meaning which comes to us from the remotest of past ages when humans for the first time inscribed what they knew on objects that were longer-lasting than they were, so that their memory could traverse the generations and reach us. Joint edition by the Russian IFAP Committee and the National Library of Russia.
Культурное и языковое разнообразие в информационном обществе Cultural and Linguistic Diversity in the Information Society (Russian translation)
Cultural diversity is seen as part of humanity’s common heritage, which, as a source of exchange, innovation and creativity, is as essential for humankind as biodiversity is for nature. It should therefore be protected for the benefit of both present and future generations and be considered as a basic human right. Joint edition by the Russian IFAP Committee and the National Library of Russia.
Всемирный саммит по информационному обществу World Summit on the Information Society (Russian translation)
The book presents official documents of the Geneva Phase of the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS), UNESCO’s and IFLA’s official texts. It also includes welcome letters and reports by the organizers and participants, and materials on knowledge societies building. Joint edition by the Russian IFAP Committee and the National Library of Russia.
Draft Policy Guidelines for the Development and Promotion of Public Domain Information (Russian translation)
The UNESCO Secretariat initiated the present draft guidelines intended to define, and promote understanding and debates on, the meaning of the public domain of information, and to assist Member States to develop policies and strategies in this area, which respond both to national needs and international practices. Joint edition by the Russian IFAP Committee and the National Library of Russia.
ЮНЕСКО между двумя этапами Всемирного саммита по информационному обществу UNESCO between Two Phases of the World Summit on the Information Society
The present edition includes presentations at the international conference, which was organized on Russia’s initiative and conducted under the auspices of UNESCO within the Second (Tunis) Phase of the World Summit on the Information Society. Joint edition by the Russian IFAP Committee and the Institute of the Information Society.
Публичные центры правовой, деловой и муниципальной информации в России Public centres of access to legal, business and local information in Russia
The all-Russian national network of legal information access centres on the basis of public libraries was established in 1998 by the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation and the State Department for Legal Information (Spetssvyaz). The publication provides a research report and analytics on the network development.
В. И. Кутузов, А. А. Попов. Доступ к экологической информации (правовые аспекты) Kutuzov, V., Popov, A. Access to Enviromental Information: Legal Aspects
The book presents the materials of the research, aimed at defining the legal status of ecological information, and tools for legal regulation of its gathering, collecting, popularizing, and providing access to it through enviromental information resource systems. Prepared by the Orenburg State University.
Сборник материалов Международного форума «Экологическая культура и информация в интересах устойчивого развития» (в 2-х тт.) Proceedings of the International forum “Ecological Culture and Information for Sustainable Development” (V. 1, 2)
The reports of the Forum cover the issues of ecological information and its importance for the sustainable development policy, the role of libraries and educational institutions in ecological education. The book includes the Forum Resolution. Prepared by the Bryansk regional scientific library.
Проблемы создания общероссийской сети публичных центров правовой информации на базе общедоступных библиотек Establishing the all-Russian network of legal information access centres on the basis of public libraries
The book contains legislative documents, concerning the Programme for the establishment of a national network of legal information access centres based on public libraries. It provides information on the implementation of the Programme in 2000/2001.
In this collection of analytical materials, prominent Russian experts representing Russia’s indigenous peoples analyse the current state, problems, and prospects of preserving their ethnic languages; the development and implementation of Russia’s national and regional policies aimed at revitalizing and promoting these languages; the achievements and shortcomings of such policies; and the role of the federal government, regional governments, cultural, scientific, educational, and civil society institutions, mass media, publishing houses, the private sector, and language communities
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© 2006 Russian Committee of UNESCO "Information for All" program |
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