My Mother Tongue. Almanac 2022. Preservation of Indigenous Languages ​​of Russia


My Mother Tongue. Almanac 2022. Preservation of Indigenous Languages ​​of Russia


 In this collection of analytical materials, prominent Russian experts representing Russia’s indigenous peoples analyse the current state, problems, and prospects of preserving their ethnic languages; the development and implementation of Russia’s national and regional policies aimed at revitalizing and promoting these languages; the achievements and shortcomings of such policies; and the role of the federal government, regional governments, cultural, scientific, educational, and civil society institutions, mass media, publishing houses, the private sector, and language communities.

The materials for the almanac were collected within the framework of the implementation in Russia of the UNESCO Information for All  Programme (IFAP) and the My Mother Tongue Programme developed in 2019 by the Russian IFAP Committee and the Interregional Library Cooperation Centre based on IFAP's achievements and findings and designed for long-term implementation in different regions of Russia.


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Russian version


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